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Plastic Waste into Building Blocks with ByFusion

Plastic Waste into Building Blocks with ByFusion

In a world where 300 million tons of plastic is created and trashed per year, only 3 of the 7 types of plastic that are produced are recyclable. New Zealand based Peter Lewis knew this wasn’t good enough which is why he created the Byfusion and its Byfusion Blocker recycling machine to super-heat and compress any category of unsorted and unwashed plastic trash. Once washed and dried the materials are sent into the black box of the machine where the waste is transformed into a condensed cube. 

As opposed to putting the recycled plastics back into a one-use market scheme, Byfusion’s cinder blocks are intended for building and construction, taking up the space that concrete or wood might and counterbalancing another major pollution problem: that of the construction industry and its high greenhouse gas emissions.

The cinder blocks come in various sizes and can be used like bricks to build non-load bearing walls, sound and retaining walls or fencing. Without the requirement of any glue or adhesives, the use of these blocks can assist in accordance with LEED certification. 

Able to produce a 10kg building block every 40 seconds, the production still generates 95% less greenhouse gas than concrete bricks. Although the blocks will cave under pressure- unlike concrete- their characteristics for thermal insulation are noteworthy.
